Meet Our Pastors:  

Rev. Wallace JohnsonPastor Wallace after worship service

djohnson@nccumc.org.  919-365-6266

Wallace was born in eastern North Carolina but grew up in the mountains of southwest Virginia. He enjoyed most of the extracurricular activities his little mountain high school offered. He played golf, basketball, and baseball, played a little music, and had fun with a little theater. After graduating from Rural Retreat High School, he moved back to eastern NC to attend Campbell University, studying Social Work. Not quite able to make the cut for collegiate sports (ok…not even close…), Wallace found his home in campus ministry. As the son and grandson of clergy, he never imagined he would find his life’s work in the church. It was his experience in campus ministry which led him to chase higher education in theology. He moved to Durham to pursue a degree at Duke Divinity School after graduation from Campbell with a Bachelors of Social Work, hoping to serve the local church in some way. It was through his experience in seminary while serving various local churches that Wallace answered God’s call to serve the local church.

Wallace lives into his call to the church by helping people experience the joy of belonging and purpose which the grace of Jesus Christ offers through the local church. His life is dedicated to bringing the grace and love of Jesus to the places people live, work, and play. As a minister of the gospel in The United Methodist Church, Wallace answered God’s calling to serve Wendell United Methodist Church as their pastor in June 2018.

Wallace lives in downtown Wendell with his Campbell University sweetheart, Ashley, their twins, Liam and Lillie, and little sister, Hannah.  Their home is FULL of energy and organized chaos with the kids, Maverick, the German Shorthaired Pointer, pet rabbits, chickens, and Wallace’s new venture of raising quail for hunting.  Ashley works as a bench scientist for research and development pharmaceuticals. Liam and Lillie are growing like weeds and attending elementary school while Hannah spends her days in pre-school.


Meet Our Staff:

LeeAnne Thornton, Director of Music Ministries    .  music@wendellumc.org.  .   919-365-6266

LeeAnne Thornton, Music Director

LeeAnne was born in High Point but came to NC State at 18 and never left the area. Music was born in LeeAnne and has always been with her through all the joys and trials of her life. Singing her first solo (“All Night, All Day”) on stage in first grade, she was always in a music group throughout school, either singing or accompanying. She directed a choir for the first time at the age of 14 at her home church. She has played the organ in many types of churches – Baptist, Quaker, Catholic, Disciples of Christ, and Methodist – and enjoys all genres of music. LeeAnne has been a member of the music staff at Wendell UMC since 1988, first as the organist/accompanist and then as the Director of Music Ministries.

After a career as a communications strategist with the NC Conference of The United Methodist Church for 34 years, she has lightened her workload and is a part-time processing tech with Wake County Public Schools. When she is not working, she spends as much time as possible with her family, especially her grandson, Macon.

MaryAnn Singleton

Office Administrator   .  wendellumc@gmail.com    .  919-365-6266

MaryAnn Singleton, Office Administrator

MaryAnn grew up in neighboring Zebulon as a member of ZUMC. She was a stay-at-home mom for about 14 years, during which she home-schooled two of her three daughters for several years. She then earned her M.Ed. in Technology in Education and spent 20 years working for Wake County Public Schools and Edgecombe County Public Schools. She retired early to take care of her aging parents and came home to Zebulon. 

MaryAnn loves anything to do with working on computers! She is a member of the ZUMC handbell choir and pinch-hits in the chancel choir when they need her. She has 3 beautiful grown daughters, 2 fine step-sons, and the real lights of her life, her grandchildren: 8 year-old twin girls, 1 year-old grandson, and 2 adorable step-grandsons, and 1 precious new step-granddaughter. If she’s not working, she is probably taking care of a grandchild somewhere or snuggling with her little dog, Patsy. MaryAnn is happily married to Jim Singleton, a retired theatrical director and part-time set designer. She is thrilled to have found her work home at WUMC.

Colton Arends

Youth Director     .

Colton Arends, Youth Director I grew up in the WUMC Youth Group and am very happy to be the current youth leader.  I served six years as a chaplain assistant in the NC National Guard and as such, strongly believe in serving others. Our youth group will focus on serving God, one another, our church community and our local community of Wendell. we look forward to serving you and seeing you at youth group!